April – May 2004
My first attempt at sewing something other than throw pillows and panel drapes. Sabrina instructed me step-by-step, with everything from interpreting the pattern to adding bias tape. It’s Simplicity’s 9929 with Ever After sleeves in all poly blends. Bag and hat are Fantasy Fashion’s Renaissance Maiden.
Aaron is wearing the doublet and breeches Sabrina made for him the year before (Simplicity 5574). I remember there was some debate over the selection of this pattern. But Sabrina told Aaron he had no say in the matter: he would be wearing poof pants. As a compromise, she agreed not to stuff them. I think she assembled the whole outfit in about 2 days, along with a costume for myself, so we’d have something to wear for the 2003 faire. I made him a linen shirt (Simplicity 7761), a hat (McCalls 2802), and some goofy arm bands to complete the ensemble.