A couple of 18th century items: 18thC Chintz Stays and a 1740s Cap
Undies update
A few new garments in the Renaissance Linens: a Venetian Partlet, a Hip Pad and an Italian Camicia.
Cross Stitch Needlebook
A little post about an embroidery UFO, which is now a Needle Book.
1890s Cancan
My 1890s Cancan outfit from 2015 is also added. It’s been nice to get these older pieces posted and it’s easier to do now with WordPress.
1800 Regency Dress
The block print 1800 Regency dress is now posted. We tried pictures at the Berkeley Rose Garden, which has a terraced layout, and is a very neat garden.
1480s Florentine
It’s rose garden season so time for photos of a new velveteen 1480s Florentine dress.
The Ancient-Medieval page is updated with Aaron’s Roman Tunica and my Roman Ensemble.
Viking dress
Took some pictures of a new blue linen Viking ensemble. Everything is so green in the hills right now.
Wool Flemish Peasant
A project from last year, my drab wool Flemish peasant dress, is added to the Renaissance Projects Page.
Blue Cloak
A cloak that was finished back in 2014 works pretty well with the Maiden Costume so I added a few pictures. UFO no more.