October 2002
Among Sabrina’s gifts, was her seemingly endless inspiration for fantasy creations. She just made the whole process appear effortless. I think for her, these designs came quite naturally. She always worked on the fly: When the mood struck she would just pick up the scissors and paintbrush and go to town.
Sabrina had a fascination with fairies and fairy surroundings for most of her life. (No doubt my mother was partly responsible as she too loved fairies, dragons and elves). Sabrina was really on a fairy roll. Around this same period of time she transformed her apartment into a crazy fairy forest complete with trees, wishing fountains, and a lighted starry sky. She was also busy painting fairy miniatures, and framing Arthur Rackham prints (her favorite fairy artist). This is one of my favorite costumes Sabrina made. The Fairy Forest has some pictures too, but there weren’t any good close-ups that day as Sabrina was intent on hiding in the trees. When I asked if she had made wings for this costume, Sabrina told me quite in earnest, “not all fairies have wings.”